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The dog barks

The wind blows

The caravan moves on


Say that you love me

Dream and think of me

Say that you need me

My heart it aches without you


Say that you love me

Dream and think of me

My heart it aches without you

Sit by my side dear

And in a voice clear

Sing to me darling

Please do

And if I could make you smile

Again I would do

And if you were I’d learn to love you so

There’d be sunlight and sweet rain upon the roses

But I’m dead to you these buds will never grow


Say that you love me

Dream and think of me

My heart it aches without you

Sit by my side dear

And in a voice clear

Sing to me darling please do

And if I could make you smile again I would do

And if you were I’d learn to love you so

There’d be sunlight and sweet kisses on these roses

But I’m dead to you these buds will never grow


And if I controlled the hands of time I’d hold them

At the moment everything was good and true

There’d be sunshine and sweet rain upon the roses

But that moments gone there’s nothing left to do


There’d be hot sunshine and sweet kisses on the roses

But your love has gone there’s nothing left to do


Thanks for the time dear

Now that the mist clear

There’s only one thing to say

So with a smile clear I’ll say it now dear

I’ll close the door and go away


A dream is that, It only can be

You’ve shattered every dream I had of you

And if I could make you dance again I would do

But it wouldn't change the way I feel for you


And if I control the hands of time I’d hold them

At the moment everything was good and true

(Good and true)

There’d be sunshine and sweet rain upon the roses

(Upon the roses)

But the moments gone there’s nothing left to do

(Left to do)

There’d be sunshine and sweet rain upon the roses

(Upon the roses)

But that moments gone there’s nothing left to do

(Left to do)

And if I control the hands of time

(Say that you love me )

At the moment everything was good and true

(Say that you need me)

There’d be sunshine and sweet rain upon the roses

(Say that you love me)

But the moments gone there’s nothing left to do

Ad infinitum

Dream and think of me


My darling you are the love of my life

Kiss me Kiss me

Bastard, I cant live without you

You to me are an addiction

The blood in my veins

Roses Red, Covered in Blood

There’s the door you bastard

You're a dog…Goodbye

(We think, and unless you know other wise, as we lost the original translation)

The Longing

An epic love song laced with rejection and betrayal. Full of passion and desperate disappointments. The Longing mixes flavours from Spain, with its tango and flamenco flare, with rich vamp Gothica and tears cried with the titillation of a Quentin Tarantino B Movie. The duet of a disastrous Love affair that never seems to end, like the song itself someone please put them out of their misery.



Ha'DIbaH barks


wIpeghtaHvIS, maSoy'DI' caravan


Vaj jIHvaD parHa'ghachwIj jatlh

naj 'ej jIHvaD 'e'

vaj jIHvaD bImejnIS jatlh

tIqwIj 'oy' 'oH Hutlh SoH


Vaj jIHvaD parHa'ghachwIj jatlh

naj 'ej jIHvaD 'e'

tIqwIj 'oy' 'oH Hutlh SoH

ba' jawwI' Dop

'ej ghogh HuvchoH

darling bom jIHvaD

DubelmoHchugh Qu'

mon 'ej chaq SoHvaD luDachoH.

jatlhqa' yIvang


Vaj yablIj ghoj 'ej vaj SoH

sunlight quv SIS ghaH roses 'ej

'a Heghpu' SoH, not HoSchoH buds

vaj jIHvaD parHa'ghachwIj jatlh

naj 'ej jIHvaD 'e'

tIqwIj 'oy' 'oH Hutlh SoH

ba' jawwI' Dop

'ej ghogh HuvchoH

bom jIHvaD darling DubelmoHchugh Qu'

'ej chaq SoHvaD mon chotu' jatlhqa' yIvang

vaj yablIj ghoj 'ej vaj SoH

sunlight 'ej roses kisses quv

'a Heghpu' SoH, not HoSchoH buds

'ej chaq poH chaH choparHa'jaj ghop yISeH jIH


DeSDu' ghomchoH Hoch QaQ 'ej teH

sunshine quv SIS ghaH roses 'ej

mej 'ach 'e' ghomchoH pa' pagh vay' Data'nISbogh

tuj sunshine 'ej roses kisses quv

'a pagh mej vay' Data'nISbogh maw''a'

poH jawwI' ghIlDeSten

DaH 'e' Huv mist

neH wa' Doch vIjatlh tu'lu'

vaj mon HuvchoH DaH jawwI' ghIq 'oH

lojmIt SoQ je naDevvo'

wIpeghmo', 'e' neH laH

Hoch naj vIghaj tlhuHDaj SoH

mI' 'ej chaq SoHvaD chotu' jatlhqa'

'ach mIw vItu' wouldn't choH 'oH

'ej chaq poH chaH choparHa'jaj ghop yISeH jIH


DeSDu' ghomchoH Hoch QaQ 'ej teH

(QaQ 'ej teH)

sunshine quv SIS ghaH roses 'ej

(HuvHa' roses)

'ach ghomchoH ghoS pagh mej vay' Data'nISbogh

(poS vay' Data'nISbogh)

sunshine quv SIS ghaH roses 'ej

(HuvHa' roses)

mej 'ach 'e' ghomchoH pa' pagh vay' Data'nISbogh

(poS vay' Data'nISbogh)

'ej chaq poH ghop yISeH jIH

(jatlh 'e' mumuSHa''a' SoH)

DeSDu' ghomchoH Hoch QaQ 'ej teH

(jatlh 'e' jIHvaD bImejnIS)

sunshine quv SIS ghaH roses 'ej

(jatlh 'e' mumuSHa''a' SoH)

'ach ghomchoH ghoS pagh mej vay' Data'nISbogh

ad infinitum

naj 'ej jIHvaD 'e'

darling bang yIn

jIHvaD Kiss jIHvaD kiss

bastard, pagh popmey Hutlh SoH

jIHvaD addiction

ghIDIna 'Iw

roses Doq, qaStaHvIS 'Iw yuvtlhe'

lojmIt tu'lu' bastard SoH

Ha'DIbaH. DaH jImej

(Qub maH, 'ej ghaH'e' SoHbe'chugh latlh valbe'chugh DaSov Hoch original maluj


Coming soon.. 'Blonde on Goth' Double Album

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