The Girl in the Barren Room
The latest single from Bad Dream Fancy Dress. You can add it to your playlists FREE or download at baddreamfancydress.com. With lots of...

Summer Rising
OK, with the Summer over and finally through the worst of Covid 19 symptoms its back to work on the 'Bionic' Album. First up is 'Summer...

Rocket Man Heroes
Well its finally here! The Rocket Man Heroes single is released via CD Baby 10th July. A download costs only 99p and any revenues will go...

Choirboys Gas Goes to Florence Blog.
When years and years ago we started blasting our lungs out with the joys of boys in Florence, we had never actually visited the place. It...

MISS MY LAWYER : Cat Rees goes on the trail of Glamour, Intrigue and Hollywood Scandal.
In 1964 Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor were at the height of their fame (or notoriety depending on your view point) following the...

New Single : Calypso Dreaming
The New Summer single is about to release. Calypso Dreaming, combines Reggie counter beats with Bad Dream Fancy Dress punk attitude....

Plastic NOT so Fantastic
Bad Dream Fancy Dress talking about polluted Oceans

A Life of Music blog review
http://blog.alifeofmusic.rocks/2018/05/bad-dream-fancy-dress-their-story-in.html?m=1 This link takes you to a full review of the New...

Cat and Xoco in Cardiff
Cat meets Xoco from japan in day out Cardiff

BDFD with Electric Six
ELECTRIC SIX comes to Cardiff, and thank you Christopher Tate (Electric Six Keyboards) for putting BDFD on the guest list....